Our Services

We offer you a variety of cargo services tailored to best suit your specific situation:

1. Air cargo freights.
Through a proprietary international partnership network, we offer air freight service door-to-door to most locations around the world.

2. Ocean cargo freights.
Through established relationships and direct carrier agreements with member partnership associations, co-loaders and global carriers, we handle Full Container Load (FCL) and Less than Container Load Service (LCL) to the destination in most countries of the world.

3. Export and Import.
a. Export.
Facilitating all of the formalities and details associated with exporting of merchandize, Letters of Credit (LC), Certificate of Origin, and other regulatory documentation.                                                                                                                     
b. Import.
Facilitating all of the formalities and details associated with importing of all commodity types, payment of related taxes and clearance to the business area. Moreover, to ensure on-time arrival at the specified destination, shipments can be pre-cleared through Customs.

c. Domestic and Courier Services.
We offer a wide range of domestic transportation services and worldwide courier delivery.

d. Service Moving and Logistic.
We offer individual intercity moving solutions and complexes of logistics services in transportation of cargo locally and worldwide, and taking over the greater part of logistics functions of our client, such as warehouse space, air-conditioned facilities and computerized and on-line merchandize handling.

e. Custom Clearance Service. Providing expert service on customs clearance. We have expertise in Indonesian tax legislation, and excellent network with customs regimes, to provide customers with fast and legal import and export documentations.

f. Logistic Service Provider. We provide logistic service for overseas clients in trading, packing, in-land trucking, and required paper handling to destination all around Indonesia. Contact us for full detail of this service.


Kami menyediakan berbagai pelayanan kargo yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan spesifik Pelanggan:

1. Pengiriman melalui udara.
Didukung dengan jaringan kerjasama internasional, kami menyediakan pelayanan pengiriman barang door-to-door ke hampir semua penjuru dunia.

2. Pengiriman kargo melalui laut.
Melalui hubungan dan perjanjian pengangkutan antar anggota asosiasi kerjasama, co-loader dan global carrier, kami mengatur pengiriman Full Container Load (FCL) dan Less than Container Load Service (LCL) ke tujuan hampir semua negara didunia.

3. Ekspor dan Impor.
a. Ekspor.  
Mem-fasilitasi semua formalitas dan ketentuan berkenaan dengan ekspor dari barang-barang, Letters of Credit (LC), Certificate of Origin, serta dokumentasi lain sesuai dengan peraturan.

b. Impor.
Mem-fasilitasi semua formalitas dan ketentuan berkenaan dengan impor dari semua jenis komoditas, pembayaran cukai dan pengeluaran barang-barang keluar dari pabean.

c. Pengiriman Domestik dan Pelayanan kurir.
Kami menyediakan pelayanan transportasi domestic dan pengiriman kurir keseluruh dunia.

d. Jasa pelayanan pindah dan logistik.
Kami menyediakan pelayanan pindah antar kota dan mengatasi kerumitan logistic dari kargo baik lokal maupun ke seluruh dunia dan mengambil alih sebagian besar fungsi logistik dari pelanggan kami, seperti pergudangan, fasilitas dengan pengatur suhu udara.

e. Jasa Pelayanan kepabean.
Menyediakan pelayanan kepabeanan yang terpadu. Kami mempunyai ahli dibidang aturan kepabeanan dan perpajakan, dan hubungan profesional dengan petugas kepabeanan, untuk memberikan pengurusan dokumen impor dan ekspor secara cepat, tepat dan legal.

f. Pelayanan Jasa Logistik.
Kami menyediakan pelayanan logistic bagi pelanggan luar negeri dalam perdagangan, pengemasan, pengiriman darat, serta pengaturan dokumentasi yang diperlukan keseluruh Indonesia. Hubungi kami untuk kejelasan pelayanan ini.